Tag Archives: giving list women
Two women live thousands of miles apart and speak different languages, but they are bound by an experience that changed […more…]
An esteemed leader in civic and philanthropic work who currently serves as the president and CEO of the California Community […more…]
The question was simple: “How can you help pregnant women and newborn babies survive?” The question led to the creation […more…]
For nearly a half-century, a growing number of men of all races and ethnicities in North America and around the […more…]
“Lesbian” may be the first word in the LGBTQ+ acronym, but The Curve Foundation founders Franco Stevens and Jen Rainin […more…]
Picture this: a shy girl, 10 years old, hangs back in the classroom and on the playground. A few years […more…]
Starting with small community performances, a one-woman off-Broadway production, and then performances on college campuses, The Vagina Monologues was a […more…]
Teenagers consume media at a startling rate, averaging over 10 hours a day via film, television, video games, social media, […more…]
If you can’t get a seat at the table, says Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) Founding Executive […more…]
Our understanding of history begins in the classroom. As young students, ideas of identity, equity, and place are explored through […more…]