Giving Transgender Youth and Their Families Much-Needed Support

When her son came out to her as transgender 11 years ago, Roz Gould Keith had never heard that term. Few resources existed for parents of transgender children then, particularly in Michigan, where she lived. Pronouns are important. “There was absolutely nothing for us,” Keith says. “He was 13 at the time. Resources were scarce [...more...]

Access, Equity, and Inclusion in Film

If you can’t get a seat at the table, says Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) Founding Executive Director Madeleine Lim, then you build your own table. At first, that table looked like [...more...]



Innovating Equity in Rwanda Through a “Cooking” Show

Born to a poor family in Western Province, Rwanda, the country’s most conservative province, Jean Berchmans Uwimana was attending medical […more…]

The Power of Collective Giving

Hali Lee has founded or co-founded multiple philanthropy and giving networks, all born from the idea that expanding the notion […more…]

Changed and Engaged by the Strong Women Who Shaped His Life

An esteemed leader in civic and philanthropic work who currently serves as the president and CEO of the California Community […more…]

Our World

A Feminist Approach to Disaster Response Pacific Island Feminist Alliance for Climate Justice

A crumbling sea-worn headstone, half-submerged in dark sand: This is all that’s left of a burial site in Togoru, Fiji. […more…]

Women Rise to the Challenge

As temperatures rise around the world, one thing is clear: Women are paying an outsized price. The United Nations estimates […more…]

Women Are Vital Change Agents Pastoral Women’s Council

While Maanda Ngoitiko was growing up in her Maasai community in northern Tanzania, a blade of grass was the symbol […more…]

Our Solidarity

Changed and Engaged by the Strong Women Who Shaped His Life

An esteemed leader in civic and philanthropic work who currently serves as the president and CEO of the California Community […more…]

The Right to Choose Is Our Struggle, Too Men4Choice

Men4Choice understands clearly that the fight for women’s reproductive freedom is not just a women’s battle. It is a vital […more…]

Changing Philanthropy’s Narrative Through Community Involvement Philanthropy Together

Philanthropy Together is a global nonprofit initiative that has reached hundreds of thousands of individuals through its work to diversify […more…]

Our Security

The Prism of Philanthropy

Kavita Ramdas is a globally recognized advocate for gender equity and justice, at home in academia, the corporate boardroom, and […more…]

Offering Support and Compassion and Never Judgment The Cupcake Girls

She came to Portland, Oregon, from Lebanon with a husband and children and the promise of the American Dream dancing […more…]

Offering Women a Lifeline in War-Torn Somalia Elman Peace Center – Somalia

When Ilwad Elman visited her native Somalia, she was eager to reunite with her peace activist mother, who had moved […more…]

Our Safety

The Power of Collective Giving

Hali Lee has founded or co-founded multiple philanthropy and giving networks, all born from the idea that expanding the notion […more…]

The Power of the Law as a Driver of Change Equality Now

Two women live thousands of miles apart and speak different languages, but they are bound by an experience that changed […more…]

Leading the Way to a More Equitable and Inclusive World Gibson Dunn

When Katie Marquart joined Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP as a young lawyer, she knew about the firm’s prowess in […more…]

Our Minds

Offering Lakota Girls a ‘New Beginning’ Pine Ridge Girls’ School

Victoria Shorr still remembers the eagle that soared over her students on the opening day of the academy she co-founded […more…]

Giving Transgender Youth and Their Families Much-Needed Support Stand with Trans

When her son came out to her as transgender 11 years ago, Roz Gould Keith had never heard that term. […more…]

Powerful Girls in an Equitable Society Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara

Why is gender equity crucial to building the next generation of leaders in Santa Barbara County and beyond? Girls Inc. […more…]

Our Leadership

It’s Time for a New Definition of Leadership

Change doesn’t just happen overnight; we must make it happen. Solving gender equity issues, as well as effectively navigating other […more…]

Helping Women and Girls Achieve Their Full Potential Rise Up

A movement often starts with a moment. For Dr. Denise Raquel Dunning, that moment happened when she was just 12 […more…]

Empowering Women from All Generations  The Annenberg Foundation

One of the largest and most impactful private foundations in the United States, the Annenberg Foundation, has led the charge […more…]

Our Democracy

What “Intersectionality” Really Means

Kimberlé Crenshaw – both Distinguished Professor of Law and Promise Institute Chair in Human Rights at the University of California, […more…]

Shifting Power to Gender Justice Movements Global Fund for Women

What happens when you’ve succeeded with your mission of seeding women-led grassroots organizations for over 30 years, and helped create […more…]

Recruiting and Training Women for Public Office Panorama Global

Today, women hold less than one-third of elected offices in the U.S. at both the federal and state levels. What […more…]

Our Culture

Women Are Underrepresented in American History National Women’s History Museum

Our understanding of history begins in the classroom. As young students, ideas of identity, equity, and place are explored through […more…]

Empowering Youth to Be Leaders in Music and Beyond Girls Make Beats Inc.

Picture this: a shy girl, 10 years old, hangs back in the classroom and on the playground. A few years […more…]

Access, Equity, and Inclusion in Film Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project

If you can’t get a seat at the table, says Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) Founding Executive […more…]

Our Careers

Achieving Economic Equity Women’s Economic Ventures

Access to credit is a mighty tool in the modern world. Without it, individuals may face barriers to education, housing, […more…]

Valuing the Undervalued National Domestic Workers Alliance

Imagine that the steering wheel of your car malfunctions. Controlling the vehicle becomes extremely challenging and potentially dangerous to all: […more…]

Lifting Up Women 4 the Future Women Connect4Good

For Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, the mission of Women Connect4Good is intensely personal. Growing up, she felt that life looked easier […more…]

Our Bodies

An Innovator Inspiring More Giving: Jennifer Risher #HalfmyDAF

They say a heart-driven approach to leadership can change the world. If this is true, Jennifer Risher is on her […more…]

One in Eight Women Will Be Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Alliance

She only had two weeks to live. This is a patient’s story that is all too familiar to Yonni Wattenmaker, […more…]

The Anatomy of Valuing All Bodies

Our bodies harbor memories, histories, stories, and identities. They determine how we see ourselves and how others see us. Tied […more…]

Impact Partners

Leading the Way to a More Equitable and Inclusive World Gibson Dunn

When Katie Marquart joined Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP as a young lawyer, she knew about the firm’s prowess in […more…]

Champion Partners

Creating a Stronger Los Angeles California Community Foundation

While he was raised in Southeast Los Angeles County by Mexican immigrant parents, Miguel Santana’s life was mostly driven by […more…]

Bringing About an Era of Radical Generosity The New York Women’s Foundation

Did you know that the word “radical” comes from the Latin word for roots? “Radical means going to the roots, […more…]

Sex Workers and Survivors Working Together New Moon Network

For decades, feminists have debated over whether sex work is a viable profession or inherently exploitative. The result of this […more…]